Friday 1 January 2021

Joyful January #1 - Giving thanks

Giving thanks

Click here for a link to the Joyful January Calendar

When was the last time you said thank you? 

Thank you, two little words that are incredibly powerful. 
  • Thank you can help create connection
  • Thank you can release tension 
  • Thank you can set you up for a positive conversation 
  • Thank you can build and maintain relationships 
  • Thank you can help you find your joy in simple things 
  • Thank you can help you notice the good things in your life, even on the tough days 
You can start when you get out of bed, just as you step on the floor say thank you for the day that is to come. 
Saying thanks for your food helps you to enjoy your food and the people you are eating with just a little bit more. 
Thanking people for the simple things that others do for you takes little energy or effort and yet can make such a difference. When you thank someone, it shows that you have seen them and appreciate what they do. Being appreciated is beautiful gift and it's one that can keep giving, in brightening their day they may go on to brighten someone else's. 
Give thanks for great service when you are out and about- and share the good stories about others publicly. 
At the end of the day offering thanks or gratitude for the good in your day helps you rest easier. 

So today let's focus on offering thanks. For many of us we are incredibly blessed, we may not recognise it but when we tune in there is so much good to see. 

Some ways to give thanks: 
  • simply say thank you 
  • thank you cards and letters 
  • thank you email 
  • thank you shout out on social media 
  • keep a gratitude diary 
  • share what you are thankful for around the dinner table 
  • do a top 10 things I am grateful for before you go to bed 
I belong to a gratitude group, started by Karen Tui Boyes, on Facebook where we are encouraged to offer three things we are grateful for each day- it is a really powerful practice for many people and this is a supportive online community

The Joyful January project is part of the Happy Healthy Teachers Matter Online Summit. This is an opportunity to start your year with tips, tools and techniques to ensure you have the health, energy and vitality to beat the end of term slump and fatigue, and be the best version of yourself all year long. For more information please follow this link 

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