Friday 22 January 2021

Joyful January Day #24: Get Outside And Move Your Body

Get Outside and Move Your Body

Movement + Fresh Air = Great stuff for your wellbeing 

If you can then we encourage you to get outside and get moving today. This is a double-whammy as you are getting that life-giving fresh air and shifting energy around your body physically. It is a great way to show appreciation to your body for all it does for you every day, when you think about how much we put our bodies through we really need to give them a standing ovation for their daily efforts! If you can get into nature that is really helpful too, it helps us feel calmer and reduces stress which in turn supports better physical health. Win-win-win! 

For those who can't get outside, as we said earlier, if you can open a window and get some fresh air that is helpful in itself. Moving our bodies (inside or out) can happen in a whole range of ways: 



tai chi 
jogging or running 
playing on a playground 

house painting 
skateboarding or scootering 
playing sport
kicking a ball 

playing with a pet 
playing games like hopscotch or elastics or tag 
martial arts 
play fighting 
water fight
bouncing on a trampoline

Don't let the weather stop you from enjoying being outside. 
It is said that there is no bad weather just poor clothing choices :) 

How many different ways might you move today? Fast or slow, high or low?
What ways can you move outside? 
What movement can help you get more of the clean fresh air? 
Who might you move with? 
Where might you go to be outside moving? If you can't go anywhere at the moment where would you like to go? Even mental rehearsal through imagining can help us get some positive vibes. 

Whatever you do I hope it fills your soul and fuels your body. 

This Joyful January project is part of the Happy Healthy Teachers Matter Online Summit: Restore your health, boost your wellbeing and embark on a happy healthy lifestyle for 2021

That is exactly what the Happy Healthy Teachers Matter Online Summit is all about. YOU having the knowledge, skills, support and most importantly the WHY to make your health, energy and vitality a priority for 2021 and beyond.

22nd - 24th Jan with 17+ heart centred wellness experts and a 3 hour vision board online workshop (recordings available) Find out all the details here
: please follow this link 


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