Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Time Thief

Have you ever had a little job that you just didn't want to do? 

It's just a little job and you know it won't take terribly long. It's not a lot of fun to do. It's kind of irritating actually. And it's one of those jobs that you have time to do, there isn't a rush, the due date is ages away... well it's not right now anyway! Then the due date comes and goes and you realise it is now a job that you have to do but you've left it so long that it just feels like an anchor weighing you down and you now have a whole lot of other jobs piled up so this task stays in the pile and keeps getting shuffled around... 

Sound familiar? 

This is one of my bad habits. Procrastination. I get busy, I have a lot of irons in the fire and my brain feels like it is constantly shifting and every so often I have a little task like this that I let on way past it used by date... 

And the tasks that I leave are those that cause as little inconvenience as possible to other people usually, but they bother me. I often assess my to do lists according to impact on others and prioritise accordingly... not always smart. Knowing that these little tasks are there waiting for me to attend to them actually slows me down, it makes me feel heavy and slowly ebbs away at my motivation. 

By gum, procrastination steals my motivated productivity joy germ! 

What has prompted this small slice of life commentary you might ask? Well tonight I completed such a task. I'd demonised it, made it feel bigger than it was in actual fact and when I decided that I would complete it tonight well it has been like a revelation. I feel lighter. I feel able to move on with other things. 

I am even looking forward to what I hope will be a more restful sleep. 

All because of a little thing that I simply could have and should have made time for earlier. 

Lesson learnt at long last? I sincerely hope so. 


  1. Love this piece Meg - it is the little things that often stop us and if we just get them off our to do list - life seems so much better. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of the importance - now I'm off to clean out my Linen Cupboard!

  2. I look forward to seeing that Linen Cupboard Karen :) It does help eh... still feeling more energised- long may that last!

  3. I look forward to seeing that Linen Cupboard Karen :) It does help eh... still feeling more energised- long may that last!
